This is a nice Buy/Sell indicator that will give you good signals.
Green on Bottom = Buy Signal.
Green on Top = Keep your long until you get a Red on top signal.
Red on Top = Sell.
Red on Bottom = Stay with your short until you get a green on bottom.
input signalOffsetFactor = 0.20;
def signalOffset = AvgTrueRange(high,close,low,9)*signalOffsetFactor;plot Data = hlc3;
def triggerSell = if(if(close[-1] < high, 1, 0) and (hlc3[-2] < close[-1] or hlc3[-3] < close[-1]), 1, 0);
def triggerBuy = if(if(close[-1] > low, 1, 0) and (hlc3[-2] > close[-1] or hlc3[-3] > close[-1]), 1, 0);
rec buySellSwitch = if(triggerSell, 1, if(triggerBuy, 0, buySellSwitch[1]));
def thirdBarClosed = if(IsNaN(hlc3[-3]), 0, 1);
plot SBS = if(triggerSell and thirdBarClosed and !buySellSwitch[1], high+signaloffset, if(triggerBuy and thirdBarClosed and buySellSwitch[1],low-signaloffset, double.nan));
SBS.AssignValueColor(if triggerSell then
if thirdbarclosed then
CreateColor(255, 0, 0) else
CreateColor(255, 0, 0)
else if Triggerbuy then
CreateColor(0, 255, 0) else
CreateColor(0, 255, 0));